Revise your Units- Unit Dominoes

unit dominoes

unit dominoes

Here is a little document I made up when we had foreign students in an Intermediate 2 class. It was not as successful with the foreign students as with those studying in Scotland as there was confusing over what they were asked to do and I assumed (obviously wrongly) that the symbols were universal.

I think you’ll find these fine, providing you:

Cut out all dominoes like this to make 30 dominoes in two different games

If you don’t have a printer just copy them out on to paper or card!

This will give you 8 dominoes per sheet and two different sets. One if for quantity and symbol and one is for quantity and unit.

I’ve found it best to print on different colour card so that you don’t try muddling them up. If you do it correctly you should end back at the start, or with a quantity that has no unit (work out which one that is)

I recommend you working against the clock, so that you can increase your speed as you practice. It will make revision at least a little more interesting. Or practice with your friends.

“Six months from Now, you’ll have wished you started revising today”


Introduction to the Physics Dept

Welcome to National 5 Physics.

We hope you will enjoy the experience of learning Physics over the next year. This information gives you a clear idea of what you’ll complete during the course.


1. The structure of the Course.

The first thing to understand if you are to achieve your best in Physics at National 5, is to have a clear understanding of how the course is run. The course is made up of several parts; divided up in several ways.

There are six units and the Assignment (which changed for the session 2017-18):

  1. Waves
  2. Radiation
  3. Dynamics
  4. Space
  5. Electricity
  6. Properties of Matter
  7. Assignment (20% of the course covered in class but marked externally)

However, if you do units for N5, they have stayed as Dynamics and Spaces, Waves and Radiation and Electricity and Energy so there is quite a bit of overlap in the units

The topics covered in each unit are given below:

  1. Dynamics – vectors and scalars; velocity–time graphs; acceleration; Newton’s laws; energy; projectile motion.
  2. Space – space exploration; cosmology.
  3. Electricity-electrical charge carriers; potential difference (voltage); Ohm’s law; practical electrical and electronic circuits; electrical power.
  4. Properties of matter –specific heat capacity; specific latent heat; gas laws and the kinetic model.
  5. Waves – the topics covered are: wave parameters and behaviours; electromagnetic spectrum; refraction of light.
  6. Radiation –is nuclear radiation.

You will have a set of Learning Outcome Questions to complete, containing what you have to know for the exam.

The SQA states that the Assignment and Exam will test:

  • knowledge and understanding of physics by making accurate statements
  • knowledge and understanding of physics by describing information and providing explanations and integrating knowledge
  • applying physics knowledge to new situations, interpreting information and solving problems
  • planning or designing experiments to test given hypotheses or to illustrate particular effects, including safety measures
  • carrying out experimental procedures safely
  • selecting information from a variety of sources
  • presenting information appropriately in a variety of forms
  • processing information (using calculations and units, where appropriate)
  • making predictions based on evidence/information
  • drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence/justification
  • evaluating experimental procedures
  • suggesting improvements to experiments/practical investigations
  • communicating findings/information

In summary the course will be completed in the following order:

  • Maths and Intro
  • Waves
  • Dynamics
  • Radiation or Electricity
  • Electricity or Radiation
  • Assignment
  • Properties of Matter
  • Space
  • The exam

2. The Need to Know Booklet and organising you work.

Currently, all the information you need to pass the exam is highlighted in the Compendium. Check this every lesson and note your progress through the course, ensure you understand what you need to know.

Eventually, we hope to produce a set of Learning Outcome Questions, the answers will provide you with a perfect set of revision notes. These should be answered clearly and concisely in your Notes. Either copy out each question or print the questions and stick these in your notes. Then others can test you.  Alternatively, you can make these into flash cards.

Another hint is to make your work as colourful and neat as possible. This is going to form your most important work so take care of it. If it is bright, colourful, well presented and laid out it will be easy to revise from. Hand in your notes regularly for checking.

At the back of the notes jotter keep a list of all of your quantities etc. in a table like the one below. These are also in the compendium.

Quantity, Symbol, Unit, Unit Symbol N5-AH

NHAPhysical Quantity symUnitUnit Abb.
5absorbed dose D gray Gy
5absorbed dose rate H (dot)gray per second gray per hour gray per year Gys-1 Gyh -1 Gyy-1
567acceleration a metre per second per second m s-2
567acceleration due to gravity g metre per second per second m s-2
5activity A becquerel Bq
567amplitude A metre m
567angle θ degree °
567area A square metre m2
567average speedv (bar)metre per second m s-1
567average velocity v (bar)metre per second m s-1
567change of speed ∆v metre per second m s-1
567change of velocity ∆v metre per second m s-1
5count rate - counts per second (counts per minute) -
567current I ampere A
567displacement s metre m
567distance dmetre, light year m , ly
567distance, depth, height d or h metre m
5effective dose H sievert Sv
567electric charge Q coulomb C
567electric charge Q or q coulomb C
567electric current I ampere A
567energy E joule J
5equivalent dose H sievert Sv
5equivalent dose rate H (dot)sievert per second sievert per hour sievert per year Svs -1 Svh-1 Svy -1
567final velocity v metre per second m s-1
567force F newton N
567force, tension, upthrust, thrustF newton N
567frequency f hertz Hz
567gravitational field strength g newton per kilogram N kg-1
567gravitational potential energy Epjoule J
5half-life t1/2 second (minute, hour, day, year) s
56heat energy Eh joule J
567height, depth h metre m
567initial speed u metre per second m/s
567initial velocity u metre per second m s-1
567kinetic energy Ek joule J
567length l metre m
567mass m kilogram kg
5number of nuclei decayingN - -
567period T second s
567potential difference V volt V
567potential energy Ep joule J
567power P watt W
567pressure P or p pascal Pa
5radiation weighting factor wR- -
567radius r metre m
567resistance R ohm Ω
567specific heat capacity c joule per kilogram per degree Celsius Jkg-1 °C -1
56specific latent heat l joule per kilogram Jkg -1
567speed of light in a vacuum c metre per second m s -1
567speed, final speed v metre per second ms -1
567speed, velocity, final velocity v metre per second m s-1
567supply voltage Vsvolt V
567temperature T degree Celsius °C
567temperature T kelvin K
567time t second s
567total resistance Rohm Ω
567voltage V volt V
567voltage, potential difference V volt V
567volume V cubic metre m3
567weight W newton N
567work done W or EWjoule J
7angle θ radian rad
7angular acceleration aradian per second per second rad s-2
7angular displacement θ radian rad
7angular frequency ω radian per second rad s-1
7angular momentum L kilogram metre squared per second kg m2 s -1
7angular velocity,
final angular velocity
ω radian per second rad s-1
7apparent brightnessbWatts per square metreWm-2
7back emfevolt V
67capacitance C farad F
7capacitive reactance Xcohm W
6critical angle θc degree °
density ρ kilogram per cubic metre kg m-3
7displacement s or x or y metre m
efficiency η - -
67electric field strength E newton per coulomb
volts per metre
N C -1
Vm -1
7electrical potential V volt V
67electromotive force (e.m.f) E or ε volt V
6energy level E 1 , E 2 , etcjoule J
feedback resistance Rfohm Ω
focal length of a lens f metre m
6frequency of source fs hertz Hz
67fringe separation ∆x metre m
67grating to screen distance D metre m
7gravitational potential U or V joule per kilogram J kg-1
half-value thickness T1/2 metre m
67impulse (∆p) newton second
kilogram metre per second
7induced e.m.f. E or ε volt V
7inductor reactanceXLohm W
7initial angular velocity ω oradian per second rad s-1
input energy E ijoule J
input power Piwatt W
input voltage V 1 or V2 volt V
input voltage V ivolt V
6internal resistance r ohm Ω
67irradiance I watt per square metre W m-1
7magnetic induction B tesla T
7moment of inertia I kilogram metre squared kg m2
67momentum p kilogram metre per second kg m s-1
6number of photons per second per cross sectional area N - -
number of turns on primary coil n p- -
number of turns on secondary coil n s- -
6observed wavelengthλ observedmetrem
output energy E o joule J
output power P owatt W
output voltage V o volt V
6peak current Ipeak ampere A
6peak voltage V peak volt V
7phase angle Φ radian rad
67Planck’s constant h joule second Js
7polarising angle
(Brewster’s angle)
i pdegree ̊
power (of a lens) P dioptre D
power gain Pgain - -
7Power per unit areaWatts per square metreWm-2
primary current I p ampere A
primary voltage Vpvolt V
7radial acceleration ar metre per second per second m s-2
67refractive index n - -
6relativistic lengthl'metrem
6relativistic timet'seconds
rest mass mo kilogram kg
6rest wavelengthλrestmetrem
6root mean square current I rmsampere A
6root mean square voltage Vrmsvolt V
7rotational kinetic energy Erotjoule J
7schwarzchild radiusrSchwarzchildmetrem
secondary current Is ampere A
secondary voltage Vsvolt V
7self-inductance L henry H
67slit separation d metre m
7tangential acceleration atmetre per second per second m s-2
6threshold frequency fohertz Hz
7time constanttseconds
7torque Τ newton metre Nm
7uncertainty in Energy∆E jouleJ
7uncertainty in momentum∆px kilogram metre per second kgms-1
7uncertainty in position∆x metre m
7uncertainty in time∆t seconds
6velocity of observer vometre per second m s-1
6velocity of source vsmetre per second m s-1
voltage gain - - -
voltage gain Ao or V gain - -
6work functionWjouleJ

Your formulae should also be in the notes section. Keep the list up to date! Each time that you learn a new formula put this in your notes. Make sure you include units, symbols and the meaning of each letter. Check that you can rearrange the formula to find any missing quantity.

The work that you do in class should usually be written in your class work jotter. Date all work and record a title for each activity. Sometimes notes will go straight into your notes jotter, so you must have this with you every lesson.

You will also keep a profile of your performance in your profile section. This should start with your contract (see the end of this post), profile of you and an introduction About Yourself. This will help us to gain a good understanding of how you function. You will need to set targets each month on how you can improve your performance or maintain your performance at the current level, if it really is the best you can deliver. We will also try to tailor some of the tasks to items that interest you and assist you in meeting these targets. All progress that you make should be recorded in this jotter and it would be helpful to discuss these targets with folk at home. Include a progress bullseye chart each month like the one below, electronic copies can be downloaded from the links below too.



The main reason we use the pupil profile is to give you the chance to discuss with your teacher, at your leisure, any concerns, worries or problems you might have. This is not to prevent you from talking directly to your teacher, but it gives you the opportunity to enter into a dialogue with your teacher at a time that is convenient to you both. This will become part of your homework on a monthly basis. Your pupil profiles should be handed in on the first lesson of every month. Get into the routine of handing this in. Please mark in your student planners that this homework is due on the first Physics lesson of every month. Obviously, if you wish to hand this in more often you may do so, in fact hand this in whenever you have a concern. Your teacher will record and note any concerns and comments and deal with these as soon as possible. This may be in the form of additional work, additional help or additional resources.  But don’t forget your pupil profiles can also tell us when you’re really happy with the course, enjoying it and feel that you are making good progress. Don’t rush your response, but engage with how you can improve and what areas you feel are your weakest and strongest.

3. Follow the Rules & Routines & Bring Equipment

The five rules of the Physics Department are for pupils follow to ensure a pleasant and safe environment.

  1. Follow the teacher’s instructions.
  2. Raise your hand, and wait for permission before speaking.
  3. Allow people to get on with their work.
  4. Follow the laboratory rules
  5. No put downs. (or only say positive things about people).

Remember Science is about trial and error and looking for ways to fix mistakes, what a better example for life!


In addition to the core rules the following routines are expected of pupils during their time in this department. Pupils should:

  1. Enter the room quietly, calmly and on time;
  2. Come prepared for the work with jotters and pen or pencil etc.;
  3. Complete all homework and hand it in on time;
  4. Not deface jotters, desks folders, etc.;
  5. Pay attention;
  6. At the end of a lesson, when told to do so, pack away quietly, place stools under the desk and leave in an orderly manner.

3.  Homework and Review

You will be expected to complete all the homework set and hand it in on time. We will contact parents/carers if we think you are not completing this vital part of the course. We do not issue homework because we want you to spend all your life working, but because it gives you the opportunity to consolidate the work completed in class. It has been proved that students who complete homework do better in their exams.

 4. The Timeline

You will be issued with a timeline. This may be on a monthly, weekly or termly basis. This will show you what homework you will have to do, where on the course you are and when assessment dates are likely to be. We may have to update this through the year but it should be used to plan study and work. Don’t waste it, use it!

 5. ASK!

If you do not understand any aspect of the course or work and you have read through the material at home then ask. Both members of the Department (Mrs Physics and Ms Horn) are willing to help you with your work.

 6. Equipment

This is a list of the equipment you need to bring to Physics

  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler (30 cm)
  • Eraser
  • Protractor or angle measurer.
  • Scientific calculator, nothing fancy but it must be capable of doing scientific functions. Most pupils find it easier to use a Casio DAL, S-VPAM calculator, particularly the Casio FX83 or Casio FX85. With these calculators you enter the numbers into the calculator in the manner in which they are written. There is a post in the maths section giving you some example of how to work your calculator and I’ll add a few more hints later in the year.

Pupils will be issued with

  • A classwork jotter for practice and results
  • A notes jotter
  • A homework / profile jotter
  • An A5 Content booklet containing the Content Requirements, Relationships’ Sheet, Periodic Table and a few maths hints. This should be brought to every lesson and used every night to check content coverage and for revision and review. This can be kept at the end of the course as it will be covered in student writing.
  • Students will receive topic booklets with content and questions. These should be returned at the end of the course.

7. Take Responsibility for your Learning

Sometimes there may be a distraction in the classroom that is out of our control. Make sure that you use your time wisely if there is a distraction. Check and complete one or more of the activities listed below.

  • Finish off the work that has been set.
  • Complete Learning Outcome Questions/ Summary of content statements.
  • Check off the content covered in the Vital Booklet (good name needed)
  • Write out a summary of what you have been doing.
  • Read through the work that we have been covering.
  • Read through the next section of work to prepare.
  • Revise/ Learn your formulae
  • Produce a revision test for the class.

Your work is in your hands. This is time that can be used or abused. If you abuse your time now you will have to use your free time later. SPEND YOUR TIME WELL.

8. Layout for Tackling Mathematical Problems

Always set out maths problems using the structure given below. It may seem to take longer but it will save time in the long run as it makes the question clearer.


  1. Information– Summarise the question by writing down what you know from the information given. Use the letter that goes with the quantity and this will help you be able to work out the correct formula
  2. Equation – write down the equation as it occurs in the data sheet. Do not attempt to rearrange it before substituting.
  3. Substitution – put the numbers into the equation as they appear in the formula
  4. Solution – work out the answer. You are ALWAYS allowed to use a calculator
  5. Units– you will need to use the correct units so will need to learn these. No or wrong units no mark for the answer
  6. Underline – underline with 2 lines the answer to make it clear what is your final answer.

In short:

  1. (Information)- Summarise the question.
  2. Change any units that are not standard.
  3. (Equation) -Write out the formula.
  4. (Substitution) -Put the numbers in.
  5. Use the magic triangle to rearrange the formula, only if you must!
  6. (Solution)- Work out the answer.
  7. Write out the answer, but not to too many sig fig.
  8. (Units) -Add units to your answer.
  9. (Underline) Underline the answer.

9. Revising The Syllabus

REVISING- Here are some really important ideas to help you with your revision (which shouldn’t just take place the night before a test but should be an ongoing process).

Find out:

  • Make a Revision Calendar (I’ve made one for you Click Here! The instructions can be found in the Revision section)
  • Stick a large calendar next to where you study.
  • Mark in the dates and times of Exams (whether prelims or final exams). A countdown timer is on the N5 Home Page.
  • Shade in the dates and times of other commitments.
  • Make a list of topics to cover for each subject.
  • Calculate how many hours you have available and how much time you will allocate to each subject.
  • Decide on the order in which to tackle your subjects. Don’t tackle the easy subjects first as you’ll never get on to the harder ones! It is best to start revising the hard subjects and topics as these will take you more time to learn
  • Draft your revision timetable.
  • Leave one or two revision slots free each week for extra revision or difficult topics.
Working in Revision Groups
This can be useful but:
  • Discipline is needed
  • Decide before you meet on the topic that you’ll cover e.g. prepare revision cards or answer past paper questions.
  • Teach each other a topic
  • Take an ACTIVE APPROACH to your Revision
  • Talking with others about what to revise can lessen the anxiety.
  • Before starting a Session decide HOW  and WHAT to revise 




10. Relax

Believe it or not we also expect you to make sure you relax. Relaxation should be in proportion. Too much and you won’t finish the work, too little and you will not function properly; balance is important. Make sure that your relaxation includes plenty of exercise and fresh air. Don’t just vegetate in front of something electrical.

Now you have your survival guide may we wish you all the best and hope you perform Physics to the best of your ability, whatever that standard!

Remember we are a TEAM! It is not YOU ALONE! It will be most effective if YOU, ME and PEOPLE FROM HOME can all work together to support you through the next nine months. We each have a role to play. I need to explain what we need to do in the best way I can, and ensure you know the course content. Your role is to listen well in class, learn what you are taught, ask if you have not understood what you’ve been taught and review and revise little and often. Tell me if you are finding the work hard so that I can give you additional support. People at home are there to support and encourage you in your work and if possible test you on your learning, (provided you’ve laid it out as well as possible).

After a Test

It is important that you review your performance after a test. One way to do that is through a Thinking about Revising Sheet.

Thinking about revising  this is the pdf version

Thinking about revising this is the word version

Here is the link to the SQA N5 Physics website


Monthly Progress Chart

Each month, (handing in your jotter on the first Physics period of the month), give an update on how you feel you’re getting on in Physics, reassess your targets and check through your progress. You ought to be able to tackle new past paper questions every month. For the first Progress Chart answer the questions contained in the profile below and write out the expectations and sign these.

pupil profile jotter word

pupil profile jotter pdf



Date of Birth: 

Register Class:     

Registration Room:

Register Teacher: 

Pupil Support Teacher:


Previous Physics Grade: 

Maths Class: 

Maths Teacher:

Approx. level Maths: N3, N4, N5

English Class: 

English Teacher:

Approx. level English: N3, N4, N5.

Other subjects taken:






About myself

Tell us a little bit about yourself so that we can make the work as relevant to you as possible. Include things like

  •         where you live,
  •         the other people in your family,
  •         what your hobbies are,
  •         what you most like doing,
  •         how you spend your time outside school.

You could also include what kind of career you would like to have, what your goals are in life, and why you chose to take Physics.

Target Setting

During my time in Physics I want to achieve the following targets.


I …{insert your name}

will always do my best in N5 Physics

I will work hard in class, and follow the classroom code.

I will look over the work I have done each evening, and I complete each piece of homework and hand it in on time.

If I am absent I will catch up on the missed work and homework and ask if I am stuck.

I will ask my teacher for help when I am having difficulties, and will not give up.

I will show my homework to my parents when completed.

signed (you)

(and your parent/guardian to show that they have seen this)

Best Wishes for a lovely journey through N5 Physics


Intermediate II Papers

Intermediate 2 Physics Papers

Here are the Intermediate 2 Physics Papers. The table isn’t yet complete, but you might want to start looking over some questions. Many of these could pop up on National 5 papers.

Int 2 PapersYearMarking
Int2 20152015MI 2015
Int2 20142014MI 2014
Int2 20132013MI 2013I2 Report 2013
Int2 20122012MI 2012I2 Report 2012
Int2 20112011MI 2011I2 Report 2011
Int2 20102010MI 2010I2 Report 2010
Int2 20092009MI 2009I2 Report 2009
Int2 20082008MI 2008I2 Report 2008
Int2 20072007MI 2007I2 Report 2007
Int2 20062006MI 2006I2 Report 2006
2006 H/Int2 stats
Int 2 20052005MI 2005I2 Report 2005
Int2 20042004MI 2004I2 Report 2004
Int2 20032003MI 2003I2 Report 2003
Int2 20022002MI 2002I2 Report 2002
Int2 20012001MI 2001
Int2_Physics_20002000MI 2000
Int2 SpecimenSpecimenSpecimen Answers
january 2021

SG Physics Paper

SG Physics Papers

As well as the National 5 Physics Papers above I’ve added some Standard Grade Physics Papers.

My thanks to J Boyle for passing these on. They are really good practice for students to use for revision for N4/5 etc. Thanks to Iain Glennie for some of the early answers (it’s not because I couldn’t do them), he just got there first!


PaperYearM.I.Exam Report
SG(C) 20132013SG(C) 2013 MI2013 Report
SG(C) 20122012SG(C) 2012 MI2012 Report
SG(C) 20112011SG(C) 2011 MI2011 Report
SG(C) 20102010SG(C) 2010 MI2010 Report
SG(C) 20092009SG(C) 2009 MI2009 Report
SG(C) 20082008SG(C) 2008 MI2008 Report
SG(C) 20072007SG(C) 2007 MI2007 Report
SG(C) 20062006SG(C) 2006 MI2006 Report
SG(C) 20052005SG(C) 2005 MICredit 2005
2005 Report
SG(C) 20042004SG(C) 20042004 Report
SG(C) 20032003SG(C) 20032003 Report
SG(C) 20022002SG(C) 20022002 Report
SG(C) 20012001SG(C) 2001
SG(C) soln 00-04
SG(C) 20002000SG(C) soln 00-04
SG(C) 19991999SG(C) soln 95-99 pdf
SG(C) 19981998SG(C) 1998 MI
SG(C) 19971997SG(C) soln 95-99 pdf
SG(C) 19961996SG(C) soln 95-99 pdf
SG(C) 19951995SG(C) soln 95-99 word
SG(C) 19941994SG(C) soln 90-94 pdf
SG(C) 19931993SG(C) soln 90-94 pdf
SG(C) 19921992SG(C) soln 90-94 pdf
SG(C) 19911991SG(C)red soln 90-94 word
SG(C) 19901990SG(C) soln 90-94 pdf


PaperYearM.I.Exam Reports
SG(G) 20132013SG(G) 2013 MI2013 Report
SG(G) 20122012SG(G) 2012 MI2012 Report
SG(G) 20112011SG(G) 2011 MI2011 Report
SG(G) 20102010SG(G) 2010 MI2010 Report
SG(G) 20092009SG(G) 2009 MI2009 Report
SG(G) 20082008SG(G) 2008 MI2008 Report
SG(G) 20072007SG(G) 2007 MI2007 Report
SG(G) 20062006SG(G) 2006 MI2006 Report
SG(G) 20052005SG(G) 2005 MI2005 Report
SG(G) 20042004SG(G)2004 2004 Report
SG(G) 20032003SG(G) 20032003 Report
SG(G) 20022002SG(G) 1998
SG(G) 2002
2002 Report
SG(G) 20012001SG(G )2001
SG(G) soln 00-04
SG(G) 20002000SG(G) 2000
SG(G) soln 00-04
SG(G) 19991999SG(G) 1999
SG(G) soln 95-99
SG(G) 19981998SG(G) soln 95-99
SG(G) 19971997SG(G) soln 95-99
SG(G) 19961996SG(G) soln 95-99
SG(G) 19951995SG(G) soln 95-99
SG(G) 19941994SG(G) soln 90-94
SG(G) 19931993SG(G) soln 90-94
SG(G) 19921992SG(G) soln 90-94
SG(G) 19911991SG(G) soln 90-94
SG(G) 19901990SG(G) soln 90-94

SG Past Papers


Command words in exam papers!

Here is a table showing some of the command words that are used in the exams. It is important to answer the correct command word in the right way or you are likely to not be awarded marks.

Do go through past paper questions and get examples of the different command words and then look at the marking instructions and see how they are answered.

Below the table is a exemplar sheet to try some of these words out, produced by Mr L Phin (thanks from us all)

response to questions that ask candidates to:Candidates must:
calculateyou must provide a number from given facts, figures or information. It is not expected that this can just be known from information.
compareThis requires you to describe the similarities and/or differences between things, not just write about one. If you are asked to ‘compare x with y ’, you need to write down something about x compared to y , using comparative words such as ‘better, ‘more than’, ‘less than’, ‘quicker’, ‘more expensive’, ‘on the other hand.’
describe,you must provide a statement or structure of characteristics and/or features;
determine or calculate, you must determine a number from given facts, figures or information; You should use numbers given in the question to work out the answer. You should always show your working, as it may be possible for the examiner to award some marks for the method even if the final answer is wrong. Always give the units as the final mark is for the answer and unit.
estimate,you must determine an approximate value for something;
explain,you must relate cause and effect and/or make relationships between things clear. Students should make something clear, or state the reasons for something happening. The answer should not be a simple list of reasons. This means that points in the answer must be linked coherently and logically.All of the stages/steps in an explanation must be included to gain full marks.
evaluate,you must make a judgement based on what you know or have been given, or determine the value of something.
identify, name, give, or state, you need only name or present in brief form. Only a short answer is required, not an explanation or a description. Often it can be answered with a single word, phrase or sentence. If the question asks you to state, give, or write down one (or two etc) examples, you should write down only the specified number of answers, or you may not be given the mark for some correct examples given.
justify, you must give reasons to support their suggestions or conclusions, e.g. this might be by identifying an appropriate relationship and the effect of changing variables;
outline,you must provide a brief summary of the content. It should be more detailed than naming, but not as detailed as describe.
predict, you must suggest what may happen based on available information;
show that,you must use physics [and mathematics] to prove something e.g. a given value – All steps, including the stated answer , must be shown;
suggest, you must apply your knowledge and understanding of physics to a new situation. A number of responses are acceptable: marks will be awarded for any suggestions that are supported by knowledge and understanding of physics.
use your knowledge of physics or aspect of physics to comment on,you must apply your skills, knowledge and understanding to respond appropriately to the problem/situation presented (for example by making a statement of principle(s) involved and/or a relationship or equation, and applying these to respond to the problem/situation). you will be rewarded for the breadth and/or depth of their conceptual understanding.
Use the information in the passage/ diagram/ graph/ table to…The answer must be based on the information given in the question. Unless the information given in the question is used, no marks can be given, even if what you write is correct.

On a similar matter, it is important that you don’t use the wrong adverb for a quantity.
Don’t use the terms
Quicker, slower, faster
for words such as time, acceleration, velocity.
Use terms
longer, shorter for time
greater or less for acceleration and velocity.

To say quicker time, you are talking about relativity! You want to say that the time will be less to do the same action.

Exemplar Command Words

Exemplar Command Words


Cosmology & Space Exploration

Newton’s 3rd Law on the ISS

Lockerbie Academy’s Faulkes Telescope Pictures Some of Lockerbie Academy’s Faulkes Telescope pictures taken by students in the school from 2007.

Here are the posters produced by N5 (2016-2017) They answer the questions posed in the research task document below which was created from the Full Content Check 2016. Check them out. There are still a few to come and some need to be updated. If yours isn’t here then let me know and we’ll update.

research tasks as a pdf file

research tasks as a doc file

Gravity Assist

In orbital mechanics and aerospace engineering, a gravitational slingshot, gravity assist manoeuvre, or swing-by is the use of the relative movement (e.g. orbit around the Sun) and gravity of a planet or other astronomical object to alter the path and speed of a spacecraft. This saves fuel, time, and expense. Gravity assistance can be used to increase or decrease its speed or redirect the path of a spacecraft. The “assist” is provided by the motion of the gravitating body as it pulls on the spacecraft. It was used by interplanetary probes from Mariner 10 onwards, including the two Voyager probes’ notable flybys of Jupiter and Saturn.

A gravity assist around a planet changes a spacecraft’s velocity (relative to the Sun) by entering and leaving the gravitational field of a planet. The spacecraft’s speed increases as it approaches the planet and decreases while escaping its gravitational pull. Because the planet orbits the sun, the spacecraft is affected by this motion during the manoeuver. To increase speed, the spacecraft flies with the movement of the planet (taking a small amount of the planet’s orbital energy); to decrease speed, the spacecraft flies against the movement of the planet. The sum of the kinetic energies of both bodies remains constant.

Gravity Assist

Open Ended Space Question

  1. From your knowledge of energy, what might a space exploration scientist consider when sending a machine to land safely on an extra terrestrial body? The machine must be capable of sending back some intelligible data
  2. Two people are discussing satellite motion one person says:
    “Satellites stay in motion because there is no gravity”
    Using your knowledge of Physics comment on that response.
  3. An astronaut on the international space station was quoted as saying:
    “I sometimes feel like a human cannon ball.”
    Using your knowledge of physics explain why he is like a cannon ball in space.
  4. Recently Voyager 1, one of the first space probes launched by NASA in 1977, has now left our Solar System.
By Voyager_Path.jpg: created by NASAderivative work: Hazmat2 (talk) – Original from file was derived fromVoyager Path.jpg:, Public Domain,

EITHER: Using your knowledge of physics, explain how this space probe was able to reach the outer planets.

OR: Using your knowledge of physics, explain how NASA might know that the probe has now left our Solar System.

OR: Using your knowledge of physics, comment on what happens next to this space probe.

5. A daytime newsreader commented that, “Looking at the stars is like looking back in time.” Use your knowledge of physics to comment on the journalist’s statement.

6. There are many parts of space that are detected by different types of telescope. Use your knowledge of physics to describe one telescope that is used in astronomy.

7. A ball rolls off from a table as shown.

Use your knowledge of physics to comment on what the ball’s horizontal distance from the edge of the table would and would not depend on.

8. A velocity-time graph of skydiver 1 is shown below


A velocity-time graph of skydiver 2is shown below

 Use your knowledge of physics to explain how the second skydiver’s velocity-time graph during descent compares with that of the first skydiver.


Updated 15/09/23


Here are some links to past papers to give you some practice for your N5 exam. The HGMP stands for Hodder and Gibson Model Papers, the LL stands for Leicke and Leicke

N5 Exam paper analysis

Electricity and Energy
Conservation of Energy341611
Electrical Charge Carriers and Electric Fields221,21,2,3212
Potential Difference (Voltage)11233
Practical Electrical and Electronic Circuits52, 331,3,42,4,53,45,62
Ohm’s Law41144,53,44,6
Electrical Power43555
Specific Heat Capacity6
Gas Laws and the Kinetic model5, 6, 7 8, 6, 7 5, 65,6,76,7,867,86,7,87,8
Waves and Radiation
Wave Parameters and Behaviours10, 11878,9,1010,11,137,89,10,119,109,10
EM Spectrum9989891111
Light12, 13 1114912,131212,13
Nuclear Radiation14, 1510, 11, 12, 139,10,11,12,1312,1312,1510,11,12,13,1410,11,12,13,1414,1513,14,1514,15
Dynamics and Space
Velocity and Displacement16, 1714, 151414161515,1616,1716,1716
Velocity - Time graphs181517171818
Newton’s Laws19,2016, 1716,17,181718,2016,17,181819,2019,2018,20
Projectile Motion18191919
Space Exploration19, 20197


Past Paper Analysis

When completing a past paper or prelim paper it is important for you to do an analysis of where you went wrong. Use the list below to see where your weak areas are and start working on them, but don’t forget all the other areas too.

MistakeNo. of ocassionsContent statement
Wrong units
Did not understand question
Did not read question carefully
Wrong maths
No summary of question
No units
Wrong Formula
Had not revised this section
Wrong substitution
Wrong value for quantity
lack of working
changing units wrongly
significant figures
m/c wrongly recorded
no direction on vectors
failure to spot importance of vectors
leaving out a question
wrongly transcribing a number
poor/ missing explanation
wrong facts
wrong diagrams
not getting data from data sheet
powers of 10/ prefixes/sci-notation
ran out of time
lack of information esp on diagram
wrongly rearranging formulae
not using data book/ making up eq!
selecting the wrong equation


Revision points

Although this table refers to points from the Intermediate 2 Physics paper they are exactly the same points that can arise for N5 & H so take note! Get some of these points on your revision timetable for Physics.

Advice to centres for preparation of future candidates
• Candidates should be encouraged to take more care in reading questions thoroughly and ensuring that the instructions in questions are followed precisely.
• Candidates should be aware that they may need to state or derive expressions which are not listed in the Data Booklet; for example, the component of weight of an object down a slope.
• Candidates should be encouraged to present their numerical analyses in a clear and structured way – markers need to be able to follow the logic in their answers.
• Most candidates require more practice at taking account of the vector nature of velocity and impulse in numerical calculations. A wrong sign used for these in a substitution is wrong physics.
• Where a question asks candidates to “show” that a certain value is correct, they should write down any relevant formula followed by correct substitutions and calculations in a clear and structured way.
• The number of marks allocated to each part of a question should be used by candidates as a guide to the extent of calculation or explanation required.
• There is a need for candidates to work on developing a deeper understanding of Physics at Higher level beyond having the ability to answer numerically based questions.
• Most candidates need more practice in writing descriptions and explanations. They need to be more careful in the precision of the language used in their descriptions and explanations. For example, saying that an increase in temperature causes “molecules to collide more” means very little. A more precise description would be “molecules collide with the container walls harder and more frequently”.
• Candidates should be encouraged to study the content statements for the course. They must be able to give definitions of terms such as potential difference, irradiance etc.
• Candidates should label the origin and axes on sketch graphs.
• When a candidate makes two (or more) attempts for the same part of a question, they must score through the part(s) which they do not wish to be considered by the marker.
• Candidates should practise using all the prefixes listed in the content statements for the course.
• Candidates need to practise transferring knowledge from one Unit of the course to another; for example, the charge on a proton met in the Unit on Radiations and Matter may be used in a question based on the Unit on Electricity and Electronics.
• Many candidates need to develop a better understanding of how to quote “an appropriate number of significant figures” in final answers.
Advice to centres for preparation of future candidates (int 2)
Apart from the specific topics outlined under the heading “Areas which candidates found demanding” it is recommended that the following receive attention:
Units and prefixes
Scientific notation
Explanations of Physics phenomena – in general, descriptive questions were very much less well done than numerical questions. For example, many candidates could correctly calculate potential and kinetic energy but could give no sensible explanation as to why one was bigger than the other.
It is recommended that attention should be given to drawing conclusions in Problem Solving situations.

Mass, Weight and Weightlessness

Below is a link to an excellent website for you to check your learning about weight and weightlessness. It is probably just above N5 standard, so read through it slowly and carefully and ask if there is material you don’t understand.

How does ‘g’ change with height above the surface of the Earth?

Continue reading “Mass, Weight and Weightlessness”

Definitions for Space

These are some very basic definitions for the Space Topic

Universe: Sum total of everything that exists.
Galaxy: A basic building block of the universe that includes stars, star clusters, clouds of gas, dust and interstellar molecules.
Solar System: Is one or more suns surrounded by orbiting planets. Our solar system is composed of the sun, 9 known planets and at least 44 moons, thousands of “minor planets” (asteroids) meteors and perhaps billions of comets.
Sun: Dominant member of a solar system accounts 99% of the mass of the solar system. The sun is a giant star it produces heat and light. A big ball of plasma
Star: Principle components of galaxies. Living stars emit radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum.  Peak depends on the heat of the surface.
Planet: A relatively large body rotating in an elliptical orbit around a sun.
Moon: A natural satellite of a planet i.e. rotates around a planet. Moons do not produce their own light.
Mass: Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. It is measured in kilograms. Wherever you go your mass stays the same.
Weight: Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object pulling it towards the centre of the Earth or any other large mass. Weight is a force and so is measured in Newtons. The weight of an object varies depending on where you are (which planet etc and how far you are from it’s surface, the further away from the surface the smaller is your weight)..
gravitational field strength : gravitational field strength, g, is the weight per unit mass. It is measured in Newtons per kilogram. It is the force of gravity or pull on each kilogram of mass.
Inertia: Inertia is the property of an object which makes it hard to get an object to move, or to stop a moving object. Inertia varies with mass, so the bigger your mass the bigger your inertia..
Acceleration due to gravity: All objects will acceleration due to gravity. On the Earth, close to the surface objects accelerate at 9.8 ms-2 .
Light year: The distance light travels in a year equivalent to 9.46 .

Light does not travel at an infinite speed. It takes time to travel. It is so fast that we do not usually notice, although out in space the distances involved are so big that light takes a reasonable amount of time to reach us.

Light travels at: 3 × 108 ms -1

Given that it takes 8 minutes for light to get from the sun, how far is it away is it from the Earth?

8 × 60  = number of seconds in minutes  = 480s

Each second light travels 3 × 108m

d= v t

d= 3 × 108   × 480  = 1.44 ×1011m

How far does light travel in one year?

1 year  = 365days

365days  × 24 = 8760 hours

8760 ×60 × 60  = 31536000s in one year

Distance travelled in 1 year, d = v t

d = 3 × 108 × 31536000     = 9.46 × 1015 m in one year = one light year

The light year (ly) is the distance light travels in one year.

Light travels at 3 × 108 ms-1

Source Time taken for light

to reach us

Distance (m) Working
Moon 1.2 s 3.6 × 108 1.2 × 3 × 108
Sun 8 min 1.44 × 1011 480 × 3 × 108
Next nearest Star 4.3 y 4.07 × 1016 4.3 × 9.46 × 1015
Other side of galaxy 100 000 y 9.46 × 1020 100 000 × 9.46 × 1015
Andromeda galaxy 2 200 000 yr 2.08 × 1022 2 200 000 × 9.46 × 1015
Continuous Spectra

Many light sources produce a continuous spectrum containing all the wavelengths of visible light, e.g. an ordinary light bulb.

Line Spectra.

Some light sources emit only some wavelengths. They produce a line spectrum. Each line corresponds to a particular wavelength.

Each chemical element has its own line spectrum pattern(so it is like a finger print!)

Line spectra can be varied using a spectro-scope in the classroom.

Line spectra are used to tell us about the chemical composition of the stars.



Workshop 2017 for SQA

National 5 Workshop for Physics- Thursday 3rd May 2018 P1 & 2 

This is the document that we will be going through. We wont have time to go through all the material, so you might want to use this as part of your revision. Do start your revision early and be sure to look over some of the ways to revise, I’ll get a link when I can locate it! It the Higher Revision section of the site there is a link to type of learner. Try the learning styles it will help you revise.

National 5 Workshop Agenda

N5 WORKSHOP booklet 2018

Click on the link below to go directly to the SQA website where you can make a personalized exam timetable.

If you’re less computer savy, or a parent he is the paper copy for this year



Nat 5 open ended questions booklet

N5 Open ended Questions

N5 DS WR Past Paper Booklet

N45 Electronics 20Q

N45 Electricity 1 20Q

N45 Electricity 2 20Q

Nat 5 Dyn 3 Skills and Open ended

Thanks to Mr Cavers, and Belmont Academy for sorting the N5 past papers into topic order.

Exam Practice Questions DYNAMICS

Exam Practice Questions ELECTRICITY

Exam Practice Questions ENERGY

Exam Practice Questions PROPERTIES OF MATTER

Exam Practice Questions RADIATION

Exam Practice Questions SPACE

Exam Practice Questions WAVES


Dynamics and Space Resources

New Dynamics and Space_2

N5 D&S Problem Booklet

Dynam & Space D&G PS Book

parachutes      parachutes

Projectile questions

Projectile questions

Projectile questions1

mass and weight

mass and weight

work done calculations

Latent Heat questions

Revision Questions

Use the pdf file, printed from a powerpoint presentation to practice work for the D&S topic. Some space has been left so that you can record your answers on the sheets. They are saved 6 slides to a page

Dynamics and Space Revision

Dynamics and Space Revision ANSWERS Don’t peek at the answers until you’ve finished going through the questions and created your own answers.

Resources from other schools

I would like to thank all the schools who have produced notes that are reproduced here. Know that I am really grateful. I have a half finished set of my own notes, but don’t think I can get them suitably done in time. Be assured that at least you’ll have some excellent higher notes next year, and after those scores I am expecting a big Higher class 2017-2018!

Dynamics and space part1

Dynamics and space part2

The above two booklets count as one!

N4 N5 Unit 1 Summary Notes[1]

N4 N5 Unit 1 Summary Notes[1] These are the same set of notes, one is in word, but for those that cannot read that the other is a pdf file, which you ought to be able to read.

D&S Summary Notes

The notes below would be combined into one booklet (the one at the end of this section)

N5 DS Mar 13 Dynamics Teacher notes

N5 DS Mar 13 Forces Pupil notes

N5 DS Mar 13 Forces Teacher notes

N5 DS Mar 13 Space Pupil notes

N5 DS Mar 13 Space Teacher notes

N5 DS Pupil material notes FINAL COPY 13th JUNE

N5 DS Pupil material notes FINAL COPY 13th JUNE

The booklet below is an Intermediate 2 booklet and contains some material for other topics and some material is missing. It might be a good idea to get yourself a copy of this, if possible, especially if you are not a great lover of the heat section!


Here are some more notes produced for Intermediate 2. There are some good questions here, but it does not cover all of the topic we are about to complete.

3779 Int 2

I will add some cut-outs and single page resources as we go through the course. If you lose yours, you will have to print them off yourself or take a photo!

Other Resources

N5 D&S Problem Booklet

N5 DS Past Paper Booklet

PhysicsCoursePhysicsofFlightLearner_tcm4-752866 PhysicsCoursePhysicsofFlightStaff_tcm4-752868 PhysicsCourseTelescopeLearner_tcm4-756621 PhysicsCourseTelescopeStaff_tcm4-756620


Space Junk! We’ve made a bit of a mess of our wonderful world!


Revision Test

Here are the test questions we attempted  today. I will try to upload the answers and correct the mistakes a.s.a.p.

Many are from SG papers, with the others coming from Int 2 materials.

National 5 Revision Questions

For Friday 6th January tackle any of the questions below


Paper Questions
2001 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11c, 12, 13
2002 3, 4 (some), 9, 12
2003 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14
2004 1 a, b, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15
2005 1, 4, 7, 8, 13
2006 2, 3, 4b, 5, 6, 11, 13
2007 1, 2, 4b, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14
2008 2, 3, 4, 5, 6b, 7, 11, 12

Check the answers from Mr Mackenzie Physics- a few of you can log on to the computers on for people to check answers. SHUT DOWN at the end of the period.

SG Ph General soln 00-04

SG Ph Credit soln 00-04

I’ll try to upload the answers but I wont have access to the computer. Here is what I’ve managed to add just now. I’ll get it done asap


SG Credit Electronics Nov 2009

SG Gen Electronic Nov 2009

SG mid topic electricity general test final
