Here’s the video
Thanks to Miss Horn for the Radiation Notes. Worked Answers to follow.

Thanks to Miss Horn who started these off

Radiation Mind Map- only print page 1 and 2. If anyone knows how to delete p3 I’d be grateful for a helping hand.

From Helpmyphysics
Fusion is the process when two SMALL NUCLEI join to form a LARGER NUCLEI with the production of ENERGY
Fission is the process when two large nuclei split to form two smaller nuclei with the production of energy. This can occur spontaneously or due to a collision with a neutron. Often extra neutrons are produced.
Chain Reaction
When neutrons split nuclei by fission and extra neutrons are produced which can split further nuclei. Large quantities of energy are produced.
Reducing exposure to ionising radiation.
There are 3 groups of category to reduce harm caused by radiation:
Monitor includes things like wearing radiation badges or EPUs, timing how long you are exposed to radiation, checking with radiation counters any contamination on clothes.
Shielding is placing layers of absorbers between you and the source, BEWARE, goggles and a lab coat are great at protecting against alpha but have no effect on gamma. Only thick layers of lead would offer protection against gamma.
Distance. Radiation obeys the inverse square law, as you double the distance from a source the level you are exposed to decreases by ¼ . Using tongs is an effective method of keeping your distance from a source.
To give you an idea of the radiation dose that would occur with radiotherapy, here is my mum’s dose. I know that she’d have been happy to share this with you as a learning experience. I really miss you mum x
When it goes wrong
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster 1986- Effects and Summary
Chernobyl Surviving Disaster (BBC Drama Documentary)
Chernobyl Questions
- What date was the Chernobyl Disaster?
- What was the name of the man who hanged himself at the start, who was narrating the story?
- Which reactor blew?
- What was the cause of the accident?
- How many people went to see what had happened?
- What happened to the people who saw the hole in the reactor?
- What day of the week was the disaster?
- What town was evacuated?
- How did they drain the water from the reactor?
- How did they put out the fire?
- What was the reading on the counter when they measured the radiation levels?
- Why was this reading misleading and wrong?
- What was the real count when it was measured correctly?
- What were some of the symptoms of radiation poisoning?
- Who was sent to prison for crimes to do with the disaster? (or record how many people went to jail)
- Who was president of the USSR when the disaster occurred?
- What was the trigger that caused the man to hang himself?
- What is the “elephant’s foot?” in the reactor?
- Have there been any other nuclear disasters? Can you find out about them and name them?
- What other things did you learn about nuclear power stations and radioactivity?