Week 2: Significant Figures
You will need to be able to use and understand significant figures in N5 Physics. Don’t worry if you don’t get it straight away, we’ve almost a year to get it right. The video I’ve found is clearer than I could do and sorry it is a bit long, but well worth getting to grips with. What I will add today is a document explaining the importance of significant figures to a physicist, which I will post on here and in the class Notebook section. I wouldn’t watch the hour long video as we need to move on.
- Watch it here on Youtube :Ā Significant Figures Video
- ReadĀ and make notes on significant figures: It is in Class Notebook, and on Mrsphysics
- Read and make notes on Rounding (Sheet to follow)
- Make sure you’ve checked the answers to the Compendium Questions on Significant Figures. (section 0)
- I’ll add to the calculator work this week, and you can work through that as soon as you can.
Week 2, part 2. Rounding
You will need to correctly round to the correct number of significant figures in N5 Physics. Again you might not get it straight away, but you’ll get plenty of practice. I’ll do another helpsheet for the Class Notebook.
- Watch the video on Youtube: Rounding in more detailĀ it explains the reason for rounding and how it does it
- For an additional helpĀ try this one Rounding VideosĀ This is by the same guy who did the sig fig video.
- Make notes on rounding: it will eventually be in the class notebook and on MrsPhysics in the N5 maths section.
- Complete the Sig fig and Rounding Quiz (10 questions). You ought to be able to get at least 7/10. Review the work if you get less than this.
Scientific Notation Week 2 extension
…..but you will need to be able to do this. You will need to know how to do Scientific Notation. I will not test you in this just now, but you should be confident about it by August. Watch this video on YouTube:Ā Scientific Notation
Make a note on Scientific Notation in your Class Notebook
There will be a sheet this week to help you with this, which will be in the class materials here and in your note book as well, and on this site in the Maths bit.