Course Resources
Document | Image |
Past papers sorted by topic Thanks to the legedary Mr Davie Past Papers for National 5 Physics Doing past paper? Stuck? click here Thanks to Mr Hopely | ![]() |
SQA Support The SQA document giving details of the course, marks and what is being tested. It is probably more useful for your teachers | ![]() |
N5 Compendium 2023 pdf N5 Compendium 2023 word Everything you need to know about your course. This was based on the course support notes. It contains a data sheet, relationships sheet and some hints and tips. Take it to every lesson | ![]() |
old Compendium Compendium 2020 This has no annotated relationships sheet | ![]() |
Data Sheet The data sheet usually found on page 2 of your exam paper. Read it regularly. | ![]() |
Relations Sheet Relationships Sheet, All those equations you need | ![]() |
general-marking-principles-physics Updated GMP, how your script will be marked. A powerpoint that I recommend you use to check you understand the marking of your exam paper. Teachers do use it, but don't claim it as your own! General Marking Principles pptx If you can't use powerpoint this is a 2 to an A4 pdf you can print and fold over General Marking Principles for printing | ![]() |
Quantities pdf Quantities word Quantities and Symbol Sheet, this is the document that will explain those letters in the Relationships sheet. Also available as part of the Compendium. | ![]() |
help sheet Help with the relationships sheet giving details of each letter in your relationships sheet | ![]() |
LOQ pdf LOQ word Learning Outcome Questions- Questions for every outcome of the course. Matched to the compendium | ![]() |
Helpsheet Annotated Relationships sheet 2021 - help for understanding the equations. Every equation written in words with units. Also part of the 2021 compendium | ![]() |
Resources Guide Rather out of date, but giving some links to useful N5 documents. | ![]() |
OEQ pdf OEQword Some practice open ended questions for you to try. I hope you can find someone to mark them. | ![]() |
Experiments | ![]() |
Commands word Command pdf There are no questions in paper 2, just commands. Check how to answer each command. | ![]() |
Study Plan Revision-plan xl A great 10 week revision plan but you're too late for this year. | ![]() |
Timeline A possible timeline for the course. Probably more siutable for teachers to adapt each year. | ![]() |
using calculator buttons word using calculator buttons pdf | ![]() |
Q S U US N5 finalA4 Q S U US N5 final | ![]() |
Flash card An example of some flashcards to help with your revision. | ![]() |
To find the notes.

- On your phone go to the MENU
- Click on the course materials (with the picture opposite)
- from a computer click on the course materials (at the top)
- Navigate down until you come to the unit you want.
- Most of the information is in each topic section, but there are additional sections like REVISION and OUTCOME QUESTIONS
Welcome to the National 5 part of the website.
No teacher, no problem
Online tutoring available, one off sessions, weekly, monthly. Available for whatever suits. Drop me a line in the comments. Reasonable rates

Lots of people are scared of Physics and say it is too hard. I can’t claim that Physics will be the easiest subject that you can choose but I describe it like this.
“Some subjects that you choose will be like a walk in the park; very pleasant, quite straightforward, and not very strenuous.

Physics will be like climbing a mountain, hard going, challenging, and testing.

However, at the end of the day what would give you most satisfaction, sense of pride and achievement?
Are you up for a challenge or do you just want an easy ride?”

You can feel the sense of achievement in this photo.
You can experience that too- choose Physics!

(the edited caption to the photograph above by Chris Morley says…
Look at the inspiring quotes if you’re feeling a little low about your revision.

Updated September 2024
Email sent Alex
I have just started a SWAP STEM course to enable me to go onto p a physics degree next year. Your website is super helpful and I love all the inspirational encouegment as well on your page. It’s keeping me motivated. I’ve been using your website most days!
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much Kelsey for such lovely comments and I wish you every success as you study for a Physics degree. I hope you’ll be totally successful and enjoy it.
I’m using this for grade 11 physical science tuition in South Africa to brighten up the curriculum, Ngiyabonga!!!
Not impressed with the email address provided thank you
Still absolutely loving your page. Came across it back in August and still use it for collecting notes for my exams. Its great and encouraging to see those teachers out there who are willing to go the extra mile for students. I’ve got conditional offers for University in September for Physics which im super excited about. I don’t think id be as far as I am with my course if it wasn’t for this website 🙂
What exciting news Kelsey and how delightful that you’ve got a conditional for Uni in Sept. Do you know where you want to go? I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to feedback that you use the site. I have had so much help with Physics from other people over the years that I am delighted to give something back. Have you joined the IoP? I hope your exam goes well on 13th May. I think it is funny they’ve put the Physics exam on Friday 13th, but I am sure far less Physics students are superstitious. Don’t forget to look over the General Marking Instructions before the exam so you don’t make any silly mistakes, learn your units and start all SHOW THAT questions with an equation. Just post if you’ve any queries. Are you taking AH, H or N5 or are you somewhere else? Actually I assume you wont be doing the exam on 13th. Well whatever you do, go and show them that you can. All the best, Mrs Physics. I think nearly all Physics Uni places are so friendly as it is such an amazing subject to study. First you think all the world is made up of strict rules, and then you suddenly find it is all about weird waves and quantum physics- so how does that work!
Thank you ever so much for responding and for the fantastic exam tips, I’ll be sure to keep them in mind! I’m taking the higher exam and then hopefully heading to university in September. I have conditionals for Glasgow University, Strathclyde and UWS. I have applied to do the Physics with education course, which allows me to gain a degree in physics while obtaining a PGDE within my 4 years at university, in alternative for completing my degree and then a post grad. Having dreamed of becoming a teacher I am most certain the course will help me reach that goal. I look forward to be able to apply my passion for physics to help educate our future generation. Although physics has a reputation for being an exceedingly tough subject, forcing students to fear or peruse it to a higher level. I personally find Physics inspiring as it allows you to understand the world around you, all while developing your critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. I’m really enthusiastic about the future, (fingers crossed) all goes to plan. Ill certainly not forget your website for helping me in the beginning of my Physics journey. I really appreciate how much your passion for Physics shines through your site. I truly believe what the teacher is, is more important than what they teach. I hope to be this inspiring someday. Again… thank you 🙂
could you put up the QP from today please?
or upload a picture of specifically the half-life question
The QP is in the past paper table.
Looking for a N5 tutor for my daughter. Please contact me.
Thank you for your enquiry. I think I am currently full, but can leave you on the waiting list until my life gets a little less hectic.
I wish your daughter every success in her Physics.
Please note there are Mindmaps, Knowledge Organisers and learning outcome questions, and fully worked answers on mrsphysics, which can be used for revision. The Learning Outcome Questions are linked to the numbers in the compendium, so if there are certain areas of difficulty she can find the number in the Learning Outcome Questions and check the answers from them. Do post any queries on here and I will try to answer them. I recommend
I found this website last year and put it on file….my son has now started his revision for his upcoming Nat 5 and this website has made our lives so much easier as its so well organised. Thank you so much for all your effort and for keeping it up to date. You really are making a direct and positive impact on parents and kids!!
Thank you! I want to share the joy of Physics, and anything that helps!
Hi there, I am also starting a tutoring business. I have made a few videos which use the latest news in Physics to teach the context of some of the Nat 5 syllabus. I hope you don’t mind, but in the latest one I have signposted students to your website. I love your website and use it all the time to source past paper questions.
A lovely video Rena, thanks for sharing it, and thanks for pointing people to mrsphysics!
Hello! I see you have added the 2024 national 5 paper into the past papers (huge thanks by the way! can’t find them anywhere else!!) to your website, but I was just wondering if you know anywhere I can find the solutions that teachers/others have figured out before the marking scheme releases? I found this years paper quite stressful and am just looking for a little peace of mind. Thank you!
Hi, I don’t think teachers would be prepared to put up their answers as others might criticise them. Do you know a teacher. I think you should try to leave it behind as you can’t do anything now, although I know I can’t do that. Go for a really long walk with a friend or alone and as you walk try to think about shaking off the physics exam
Hi, can I check if this website is up to date for the 2024/25 National 5 Physics please? Thank you
Yes, it is all up to date, except I haven’t completed a nice crib sheet for the new calculators as they’re rubbish and I’ve not seen an easy way to fix it
I’m looking for a tutor for my child for National 5. Do you have any availability?
Hi my son has just started Nat5 Physics, he likes to understand how things work and thought this was the best match for him, but immediately regretted it and is now really struggling and we are only one term in! – here is a mum hoping you may be able to help, Im printing out all of this material and hope we are not both intimidated by it but understand how we can work with it – any suggestions on how to approach would be very much appreciated.
Hi Mum of Confused S3 student. Thanks for contacting me. I think that you could be overwhelmed by the huge nunber of resources available on Mrs Physics and I don’t want to put you off. I suggest you concentrate on printing off the compendium (if you are able it prints nicely as an A5 booklet) . I suggest this is taken to all his lessons and he can see where he is in the course. It also indicates which of the statements are ones that he can make into flashcards, for example learning the names of the vector quantities. There is also a document in powerpoint with quantities, symbols and unit symbols on. If he prints those 16 to a page then they can be used as flashcards and he can put those by the side of the bread-bin or biscuit barrel (that place when he goes for when he returns from school) and works through those until he gets 3 in a row. Do these every time he goes to get a snack. If he looks over the unit booklets I’ve tried to write those so that they can be used as self taught booklets. I don’t think they need printing, but can be read off a phone. When a passage has been covered check the outcomes in the compendium and then either choose the tutorials or try some past paper questions. There is a document called past papers sorted by topic, by the amazing Chris Davie and he can just choose questions from the topics he is covering. If there are things he hasn’t understood Mr Stewart Physics is a great youtube channel and he has great experience of the course. Do get in touch if there is anything else I can help you with. You are supporting him wonderfully, so ask hi to explain what he did in class and work through those outcomes with him. I wish you both all the best on this journey. MrsPhysics
hello do you do private or small group tuition for Nat 5?
Hi. My son (***) has been off for a months with long covid. He’s starting to get better but he hasn’t yet done his N5 experiment and we don’t know what is required. We’re wondering if you could give some advice/tutoring?