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Updated November 2019
Electricity 2017 Final word version of the Electricity Unit.
Electricity 2017 Final pdf version.
The booklet is large as it contains lots of questions for you to practice, practicals for you to complete and notes.
They are large notes so that you ought to be able to work your way through whether you are in class or away at college etc.
Please return your copy to the faculty on 30th April 2020!
The section numbers are linked to the compendium with all the things to cover in National 5 Physics.

I can now upload ppp to mrsphysics, so here is one of the first. It is to cover section 9 and 10 of the outcomes. Thanks to the kind person who produced the stuff on A.C and D.C. I’ve been using it for years. Let me know if I’ve nicked it from you and I’ll add my grateful thanks.
Ohm’s Law

resistor network Try this when you think you have got to grips with resistances in series and parallel.
AC_DC[1] This is a powerpoint presentation that someone passed to be in the days of SG. It covers AC and DC traces
Voltage Dividers
VOLTAGE DIVIDER FORMULAE The formula sheet for voltage dividers
VOLTAGE divider Q Practice those horrible voltage divider questions with this pdf version of the document below. The answers are given for you to check. VOLTAGE divider Q
Resistance NetwoRK

Other notes
Mains- Electricity in the home
Here are some additional notes that might help as you go through the materials. Check out the post on using your calculators to measure resistance (I’ll add the link here when I’ve found the post!)
Ring main Based on the SG course notes and not really in the N5 course, but it might give a little background to why when calculating the fuse rating for an appliance you use 240V and not the 230 V as stated.
Older Notes
EE1 – Electricity LOCKERBIE The old electricity notes (based on a colleagues work- thank you and I’ll find out who you are), these will be superceded when the document above is completed.
Elect & elect D&G Prob Book no answers These are some great little questions by Mr Belford from Dumfries Academy, but some of the numbers are a little bit fictional!
Elect & elect D&G Prob Book no answers The above document as a pdf file.
…… to be continued!